Master the Portuguese accent and learn how to speak European Portuguese like a native speaker!
Does this sound familiar to you?
You started learning Portuguese thinking it was going to be similar to Spanish or Italian, with open vowels and clear sounds, only to gasp at how... different it sounds?
Am I hearing Portuguese or Russian?
Why does the letter S sometimes sound like a Z, other times like a SH and only ever so often like an actual S?
And what about those disappearing vowels?
Where did they go?
Why is it that words like "excelente" and "confortável" suddenly become "shlent" and "cnfrtávl"?
That doesn't sound very excellent or comfortable, now does it?
Maybe you thought about giving up, and just accepted that Portuguese doesn't make much sense and it's not for you...
And if you did, I don't blame you.
But what if I told you that Portuguese Pronunciation is simpler than it appears?
Yes, when it comes to how words are written and pronounced in Portuguese, there are actually very clear rules that, once you know them, make perfect sense and everything falls into place.
And believe me, if you're reading this, then you have already mastered a much more complicated language when it comes to pronunciation: English!
Bear and bare? Bow and bough? Eight and ate?
Portuguese is a lot simpler in comparison, and with the Perfect Portuguese Pronunciation Program you'll learn how to speak like a native speaker in no time!
Want to sound like a native speaker?
What you will experience
Having a good pronunciation will make you feel much more confident and fluent speaking the language!
Speaking a language with a native-sounding accent will help you break through the language barrier with ease. Say goodbye to getting funny looks at the bakery because you wanted bread but ended up ordering a pau!
Wait, you're not Portuguese? How did you learn to speak like that? You have barely any accent at all!
Upon hearing your Perfect Portuguese accent, native speakers will want to speak Portuguese to you and will treat you like a local, not like a foreigner.
What the students are saying
Michael Russell
I love the course!
The joy that you express in sharing your language permeates everything that you do and I wanted to hop on board early and often.
Please keep up the great work!
I'm really enjoying the course!
I used to be a French teacher and I have high standards.
The pauses after each example are great to repeat them after you and the course is well designed.
Marie-Christine Buisson
Thank you so much for these lessons!
Your explanations are great and have allowed me to discover things I didn't know.
I'm going to need to follow each lesson several times to really assimilate them.
Helen Driscoll
Great course!
The repetition of pronunciation patterns is really helping. For example: VA VE VI VO VU
Mikael Eriksson
I've already finished the course once and I'm starting over again to practice more.
The course is very well made, the structure is great and the videos being short makes learning a lot easier!
I'm undoubtedly improving my pronunciation thanks to the course!
Mauro Franceschini
I started following the course and the first lessons have been very clear.
Challenging, but very well put together. Parabéns!
Délcio Câmara
Portuguese-Canadian from Toronto
"Learning the rule in the stressing of the syllables really opened my eyes to figuring out how to properly pronounce words correctly in Portuguese.
I have always struggled with putting emphasis in the wrong part of the word, and the first lesson in this course already helped me improve my spelling with proper accent use!
It's awesome to finally have a place to learn proper European Portuguese and be able to connect to my ancestral mother tongue.
Thank you, Leo!"
Davide Gemello
Italian from Torino
"I really enjoyed Leo's course. I learned many little aspects of Portuguese pronunciation that I didn't know about, being more accustomed to the Brazilian variety of the language.
Leo's diction and way of explaining things is extremely clear!
The video, audio and editing quality is top notch, making it very enjoyable to watch the lessons.
The transcripts make it very easy to go back to a specific piece of information you might want to brush up on.
I can't recommend the course enough to anybody wanting to perfect their European Portuguese pronunciation!"
The best Portuguese
pronunciation course!
Over 60 Video Lessons
Over 60 short and actionable lessons that you can revisit at any time make this the most complete Portuguese pronunciation course out there!
Subtitles and Transcripts
Every lesson has both Portuguese and English subtitles, as well as a transcript of the entire lesson that you can follow along while you hear me talk.
Practice Exercises
At the end of each chapter you'll find exercises where you'll be able to test your knowledge and practice the sounds learned!
Anytime, Anywhere
You can access the course anywhere on any device. No internet connection? Each lesson has a downloadable audio file and pdf transcript!
What you will get
✔️ Portuguese Phonetics Explained:
In this course you will learn every single sound and letter in the Portuguese language. You'll learn how to pronounce, read and write each and every sound in Portuguese.
✔️ Pronunciation Tips & Tricks:
Some sounds are easier than others, and I've got you covered on those harder ones. How exactly do you position your mouth and tongue to make that impossible LH sound? I'll show you how!
✔️ Identifying Silent Vowels:
When people first hear European Portuguese, they're often surprised by the lack of vowel sounds. It may seem like we're randomly leaving out vowels from words, but there's a science to it, and you'll learn exactly how it works!
✔️ Same Letter, Different Sounds:
If you've dabbled in Portuguese, you may have had trouble with letters such as the R or S, that can make different sounds depending on their position in the word. You'll learn exactly how and when each letter makes each sound!
Why pronunciation matters
Have you ever met someone who spoke your language without a foreign accent?
As if they were from the same country as you?
It's impressive when it happens, and it makes us feel like that person is one of us, like they're not a foreigner.
And that is exactly what the Perfect Portuguese Pronunciation Program aims at helping you achieve!
I want to give you the tools to help you speak Portuguese with as close to a native-sounding accent as possible, so that you can experience authentic interactions with native speakers and feel like you belong!
When communicating with someone in their native language, there's no greater victory than to feel like that person doesn't have to make any effort whatsoever to understand us.
To feel like they are talking to us as they would to anyone from their own country.
Feeling like we're being treated as native speakers of a language that isn't our own is a FANTASTIC FEELING!
And what determines the perception that native speakers have of us is our PRONUNCIATION.
Here you'll learn the true Portuguese PRONUNCIATION!
Who am I?
My name is Leonardo and I was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal.
I've always had a huge passion for language learning and created Portuguese With Leo to fill the lack of interesting content for people learning European Portuguese, all the while sharing my passion for language learning and Portuguese History and Culture.
Over the years I've helped thousands of students improve their Portuguese through my videos and podcasts, breaking down seemingly complicated language concepts into bite-sized, easy to follow explanations.
In this course I explain everything there is to know about Portuguese Pronunciation, to take you from sounding like a confused tourist to sounding like a native speaker.
Course Curriculum
- 1.1 - Conceitos básicos importantes (1:34)
- 1.2 - O alfabeto português (3:30)
- 1.3 - O que são vogais? (3:01)
- 1.4 - O que são consoantes? (3:15)
- 1.5 - O que são sílabas átonas e tónicas? (2:17)
- Exercícios - Qual é a sílaba tónica? (5:06)
- 1.6 - Regras básicas de acentuação (5:03)
- Exercícios - Regras básicas de acentuação (3:26)
- 1.7 - O Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (2:38)
- 2.1 - As 9 vogais orais (4:05)
- 2.2 - O som [a] - A aberto (6:29)
- 2.3 - O som [ɐ] - A fechado (5:02)
- Exercícios - Sons da letra A (5:55)
- 2.4 - O som [ɛ] - E aberto (5:02)
- 2.5 - O som [e] - E fechado (5:23)
- 2.6 - O som [i] - I e E (7:03)
- 2.7 - O som [ɨ] - E mudo (4:57)
- Exercícios - Sons das letras E e I (7:18)
- 2.8 - O som [ɔ] - O aberto (5:31)
- 2.9 - O som [o] - O fechado (5:38)
- 2.10 - O som [u] - U e O mudo (6:13)
- Exercícios - Sons das letras O e U (6:14)
- Exercícios - Acentos nas letras I e U (2:26)
- 3.1 - Sons consoantes representados por uma só letra (3:29)
- 3.2 - O som [p] - Letra P (3:56)
- 3.3 - O som [b] - Letra B (2:52)
- 3.4 - O som [t] - Letra T (4:02)
- 3.5 - O som [d] - Letra D (3:38)
- 3.6 - Os sons [f] e [v] - Letras F e V (5:30)
- 3.7 - O som [g] - Letra G (4:11)
- Exercícios - Letras P B T D F V G (7:44)
- 3.8 - O som [m] - Letra M (5:47)
- 3.9 - A letra N - Sons [n] e [ɲ] (6:35)
- Exercícios - Letras M e N (5:11)
- 3.10 - A letra L - Sons [ɫ] e [ʎ] (6:35)
- 3.11 - A letra R (parte 1) - R fraco (4:29)
- 3.12 - A letra R (parte 2) - R forte (5:45)
- Exercícios - Letras L e R (8:39)
- Exercícios - Trava Línguas com a letra R (6:13)
- 4.1 - Ditongos orais e semivogais (3:21)
- 4.2 - Os 5 ditongos que acabam em I (6:11)
- 4.3 - Os 5 ditongos que acabam em U (5:54)
- Exercícios - Os 10 ditongos orais (5:30)
- 4.4 - Como fazer sons nasais (4:36)
- 4.5 - As 5 vogais nasais (7:01)
- 4.6 - Os ditongos nasais ÕE e UI (2:34)
- 4.7 - O ditongo nasal ÃO / AM (3:20)
- 4.8 - O ditongo nasal ÃE / EM (6:06)
- Exercícios - Vogais e ditongos nasais (7:55)
- Exercícios - Um texto muito nasal (0:41)
- 5.1 - Sons consoantes representados por várias letras (2:21)
- 5.2 - O som [k] - Letras C, Q e K (5:57)
- Exercícios - O som [k] (3:25)
- 5.3 - O som -[s] - Letras S, C, Ç e X (9:09)
- Exercícios - O som [s] (4:15)
- 5.4 - O som [z] - Letras Z, S e X (5:15)
- Exercícios - O som [z] (3:21)
- 5.5 - O som [ʃ] - Letras CH, S, X e Z (6:35)
- Exercícios - O som [ʃ] (4:01)
- 5.6 - O som [ʒ] - Letras J, G, S e Z (6:00)
- Exercícios - O som [ʒ] (3:43)
- Exercícios - Pronunciar consoantes sibilantes (6:08)
- 6.1 - Consoantes complicadas (2:04)
- 6.2 - As letras M e N - Sons nasais (5:14)
- 6.3 - As letras C e Q - Sons [s], [ʃ], [k] e [kw] (4:31)
- 6.4 - As letras G e J - Sons [g] e [ʒ] (5:15)
- 6.5 - A letra S - Sons [s], [z], [ʃ] e [ʒ] (5:24)
- 6.6 - A letra Z - Sons [z], [ʃ] e [ʒ] (2:42)
- 6.7 - A letra X - Sons [ʃ], [ks], [z] e [s] (7:02)
- 6.8 - A letra H - CH, NH e LH (2:35)
- 6.9 - As letras estrangeiras K, W e Y (1:00)
- Exercícios - Reconhecer consoantes complicadas (5:32)
- 7.1 - Compreender melhor as vogais (4:04)
- 7.2 - A letra A - Sons [a], [ɐ] e [ɐ̃] (6:31)
- Exercícios - A letra A (5:57)
- 7.3 - A letra O (parte 1) - Sons [ɔ], [o], [u] e [õ] (4:47)
- 7.4 - A letra O (parte 2) - Aberto ou fechado? (4:42)
- Exercícios - A letra O (6:45)
- 7.5 - A letra E (parte 1) - É e Ê (2:32)
- 7.6 - A letra E (parte 2) - E sem acento (8:01)
- Exercícios - A letra E (8:05)
- 7.7 - Vogais abertas e o Acordo Ortográfico (5:26)
- Exercícios - Vogais abertas ou fechadas? (7:03)
- 8.1 - Como falar como um nativo (2:16)
- 8.2 - O ritmo do português de Portugal (1:58)
- 8.3 - As vogais que desaparecem (6:46)
- 8.4 - Ligar palavras (parte 1) - Ligações entre vogais (7:42)
- 8.5 - Ligar palavras (parte 2) - Palavras que acabam no som [ʃ] (7:22)
- Exercícios - Texto com ligações (3:41)
- 8.6 - Palavras com hífen (9:06)
- Exercícios - Trava-línguas (5:19)
- 8.7 - Variações de pronúncia em Portugal (11:43)